Oh Hi
Oh Hi is a 4-minute, single-movement piece for clarinet, trombone, cello, and piano.
The piece was written for the Uuden musiikin lokakuu International Masterclass with Professor Carola Bauckholt. It is an overture-style piece tailored for Hai Quartet's eclectic collection of instruments. It revolves around an insistent ostinato figure in the piano, but otherwise takes a swirling rollercoaster ride from fury and frustration to a sentimental trip down memory lane, a brief wannabe-symphonic dream sequence and back where everything started - oh, hi.
Oh Hi was premiered at the Oulunsalo Hall in Oulu, Finland, on October 8th, 2023.

Hai Quartet
Klaara Vasara, clarinet
Jukka Myllys, trombone
Antto Tunkkari, cello
Maritta Manner, piano